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7 March 2022 - 11 March 2022
Turku, Finland
TechTurku Week 2022

Wednesday 9.3.
Manufacturing Industry

The Bio of speakers and moderators

Manufacturing Deep Tech  (Venue Joki + Streaming)

Vesa Erkkilä

Vesa Erkkilä

Network Manager
Turku Science Park Ltd

9.00 – 

Harnessing the Power of AI in Materials Engineering

Milica Todorovic, Professor of AI-driven Materials Engineering, University of Turku

The arrival of materials science data infrastructures in the past decade has ushered in the era of data-driven materials science based on artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, which has facilitated breakthroughs in materials optimization and design. AI tools can nowadays be employed to pre-screen candidate compounds, tune materials functionality, facilitate compositional engineering, guide experimentation and optimise experimental procedures and products. These methods are fast becoming part of the engineering toolset in both academic and industrial research and development.

Improving the efficiency and the manufacturing of compound semiconductor devices

Vicente Calvo AlonsoCEO, Founder, Comptek Solutions

Current trends in additive manufacturing of metals

Juha Kotila, People Lead of Product Operations at EOS Finland

The developments on laser beam properties of additive manufacturing equipment have enabled reaching higher and higher laser beam intensity levels. These high beam intensities have made possible to process materials with very high melting temperatures, e.g. refractory metals. Or materials that require very high melt pool intensities due to higher thermal conductivity, e.g. pure copper or aluminium alloys.
The presentation will share the insight on technical developments of industrial Additive Manufacturing, both in AM machines and their accessories in factories of the future as well as AM metal materials and their applications.


End of Session

B2B Matchmaking

10.45 – 11.45

Manufacturing Practical examples (Venue Joki + streaming)

Vesa Erkkilä

Vesa Erkkilä

Network Manager
Turku Science Park Ltd

12.00 –

Tuotannon tehokkuuden, laadun ja saavutettavuuden parantaminen

Jani Mattila, Technical Sales Engineer, Fractory

Nopeasti muuttuvassa maailmassa on tärkeää pystyä vastaamaan valmistavan teollisuuden kohtaamiin haasteisiin. Vastauksia kysymyksiin miten pilvi-teollisuus voi auttaa valmistavan teollisuuden tyypillisissä ja epätyypillisissäkin ongelmissa, kuten pitkät tarjousprosessit ja vasteajat, materiaalien saatavuusongelmat tai puuttelliset konekannat. Meille tärkeää on myös toimintamme vastuullisuus.
Esityksessä mukana demo Fractoryn alustasta, jossa onnistuu helposti niin yksittäisen kappaleen kuin sarjatuotannonkin tilaustarpeet.

Sarjatuotannon tehokkuus uniikkien yksittäiskappaleiden valmistukseen putkistoissa

Jarno Soinila, CEO & Co-Founder at PipeCloud Oy

Digimaturiteettityökalu konepajan nykyaikaisuuden itsearviointiin

Jussi Karlsson, Machine Technology Center Turku

Yritysten kilpailukyky ja kasvu on vahvasti sidoksissa yrityksen kykyyn hyödyntää automaatiota ja digitaalisia työkaluja. Koneteknologiakeskus Turku ja Turku Science Park ovat yhdessä tuottaneet yrityksille itsearviointikyselyn - Digimaturiteettikysely.
13.30End of session

B2B Matchmaking

14.00 – 14.30

International arena (Venue Joki + streaming)

Antti Salminen

Antti Salminen

University of Turku

15.00 -

Towards E-mobility - Twin transition of automotive manufacturing

Mika Kinnunen, Innovation manager, EV Systems Business Line, Valmet Automotive

Björn Fink, Product Manager, Manufacturing Business Line, Valmet Automotive

Massive medical device production scale up for global markets

Saku Rantala, Director Instrument Operations, PerkinElmer Turku site

Modularization in Global manufacturing

Christian Eskildsen, CEO, North European Modularization

North European Modularization network - a new opportunity for Nordic Industries to gain increased competitivenes. The network inspires and support industries to become succesful on their Modularization journey and is the only network globally where companies can benefit from more than 2000 man-years in Modularization experience.


End of session

Evening starting at 18:00 (Venue Sparkup)

Turku.AI Meetup

Arttu Laitinen

Arttu Laitinen
VSTKY and Marshall.AI

Juho Vainio
Case study in industrial AI: Creating CV based quality assurance solutions for factory environments

Juho Vainio, Senior Designer, Silo.ai

In this talk we will explore different real world use cases for computer vision based quality assurance and defect detection solutions in industrial environments. We will touch upon topics such as how to create an easy-to-approach experience for the factory operators, what the key challenges are in these types of environments and what could be some of the future opportunities for industrial AI.

Using high performance computing (HPC) and machine learning (ML) to develop models for clean combustion engines

Armin Wehrfritz, Assistant Professor University of Turku
Faculty of Technology, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering

My field of research is in energy technology and my major areas of interest therein are concerned with fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and chemical kinetics, as well as various topics related to high-performance computing and machine learning.

Closed since 11 March 2022
Turku, Finland
Organised by
Finland 246
Poland 21
Taiwan 8
Lithuania 6
Türkiye 6
Germany 5
Spain 5
India 4
United Kingdom 3
Ukraine 3
Estonia 2
Belgium 2
Slovakia 1
Romania 1
Sri Lanka 1
Tunisia 1
Norway 1
Nigeria 1
Greece 1
Hungary 1
Croatia 1
Latvia 1
Portugal 1
Thailand 1
Iran, Islamic Republic Of 1
Brazil 1
Austria 1
Total 326
Company (SME) 96
University 93
Company (Industry) 38
Other 34
Start-up 24
Authority/Government 19
R&D Institution 12
Association/Agency 10
Total 326
Profile views
Before event 3013
After event 49
Total 3062